Olin Physical Laboratory

The department of physics is located in the Olin Physical Laboratory, a building near the center of campus. The building has excellent space for teaching, research, and study. Well-equipped laboratories are available for experimental research, including: the laboratory for laser interaction with materials and surfaces includes a subpicosecond amplified dye laser and streak camera for time- resolved studies, an excimer laser, scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopes, an ultrahigh vacuum surface analysis system, and laser ablation chambers.

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2090 Eure Dr., Winston-Salem, NC 27106

The department of physics is located in the Olin Physical Laboratory, a building near the center of campus. The building has excellent space for teaching, research, and study.

Well-equipped laboratories are available for experimental research, including: the laboratory for laser interaction with materials and surfaces includes a subpicosecond amplified dye laser and streak camera for time- resolved studies, an excimer laser, scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopes, an ultrahigh vacuum surface analysis system, and laser ablation chambers.  

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