Virtual Community Worship

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 11am to 11:30am

via Zoom ( ) View map Free Event
View map Free Event

Although we are no longer able to physically come together, we will continue to study, teach, learn and worship together. Weekly virutal worship services will give students, faculty, staff, and community friends an opportunity to encounter God as we pray and sing together.  We will hear voices from our Wake Div community as we reflect together on God's presence and grace in our community and for the world, especially during these uncertain times.

The work of the people in worship services is sacred work, but it is also educational work as it unfolds in a theological school. What do we learn as we pray together? Responses emerge in the form of questions stirred by our worship:  What does it mean to pray together, coming as we do from such different theological places and spaces? How does what we learn shape what we practice in worship? How do our weekly practices of prayer and praise move out through institutional doors and into the worlds where we live and work?

We will gather on Tuesday and Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. via Zoom. Please join us using the following link :

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