About this Event
1965 Wake Forest Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27109
http://wakeforestlawreview.com/2019/09/2020-spring-symposium-bail-reform/ #bailreform; wakeforestlawreview; symposiumJoin the Wake Forest Law Review for its annual symposium on January 31, 2020 at Wake Forest School of Law.
This year’s symposium will shed light on the large, yet often unaddressed problem of pretrial detention in the United States. The scope of pretrial detention is significant: over half a million people sit in jail at any given time in America merely because they have been accused of a crime. Such broad pretrial detention deprives people of their liberty before being afforded significant process, undermines the presumption of innocence, increases crime, negatively impacts families, and wastes tax dollars.
The symposium will bring together criminal law stakeholders, academics, and community groups to discuss the current state of bail reform and how to continue reforming these systems.
The symposium is free and open to the public.
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