Physics Colloquium - Professor Jessica I. W. Morgan, Scheie Eye Institute, "Adaptive Optics and Interference Theory Enable Measurement of Retinal Function" U Penn and WFU Alum (host: M. Guthold)

Thursday, October 5, 2023 4pm

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Imaging of the retina has long been part of an ophthalmic exam, but the optics of the eye have aberrations that limit the quality of those images. Using adaptive optics, a technique originating in astronomy, researchers can measure and correct for the eye’s optical aberrations thereby enabling diffraction limited imaging of the living retina. With this technology, individual photoreceptors and other retinal cells can be visualized noninvasively in the living human eye. My talk will provide an overview of adaptive optics imaging and will discuss how adaptive optics in combination with interference of light waves allows assessments of photoreceptor function.  

**Refreshments will be served in the Olin Lobby beginning at 3:30 pm. 

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