Physics Colloquium - Professor Clausell Mathis, "Culture-Based Approaches to Physics Instruction” Michigan State U (host: F. Salsbury and J. Macosko)

Thursday, September 28, 2023 4pm

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Physics faculty and secondary teachers have a variety of methods at their disposal to embrace a culturally based approach to teaching. In this context, we want to spotlight the endeavors of professional learning communities composed of physics instructors. These educators have made deliberate efforts to infuse culture-based pedagogical elements into their classrooms, focusing on three key areas: (1) cultivating a strong physics teacher identity, (2) designing effective curricula, and (3) assessing the impact of curriculum materials on students' comprehension of physics concepts. The outcomes of this study reveal that these instructors exhibit notable signs of employing culturally relevant pedagogy. They exhibit a willingness to tackle sensitive subjects, consistently motivate students to strive for academic excellence, and adapt their curricula to incorporate students' strengths. Despite these positive aspects, instructors still grapple with certain challenges. These challenges include encouraging students to adopt a critical stance towards physics knowledge and effectively managing students' ability to take charge of their own learning process. The implications of the research findings are significant for physics instructors aiming to implement culturally relevant pedagogy in their teaching methodologies.

**Refreshments will be served beginning at 3:30 pm in the Olin lobby. 

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