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On Tuesday, Sept. 25, Tarana Burke, founder of the 'me too' Movement will be on campus giving a free public talk in Wait Chapel at 6 pm. Tickets are available at: metoo-wfu.eventbrite.com

The Women's Center and Diversity Education invite faculty and staff to a brown bag conversation on Thursday, Sept. 27 12:30-1:30 to reflect on the messages you heard, what you learned, and what you're sitting with now.

If you can't make it but want to engage with others about Tarana Burke's visit, please email womenscenter@wfu.edu. Other upcoming offerings include the Safe Office and Title IX's upcoming workshop "Stop, Drop, & Roll" to help you build skills to respond to disclosures of sexual violence; the workshop will be on Oct. 3, 10:30-noon in Reynolda 301.

Student conversation opportunities are also available. Visit womenscenter.wfu.edu to learn more or contact the Women's Center at womenscenter@wfu.edu.

PLEASE NOTE: Registration is required for this event. Use the "Register" link on this page.

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