Episcopal Student Fellowship Sunday Worship Services

Sunday, November 8, 2020 6pm to 7pm


Episcopal Student Fellowship (ESF) would like to hold weekly worship services at 6pm on Sunday nights, beginning on Sunday, August 30th and recurring each Sunday until Thanksgiving break (last service being on Sunday, November 15th).The service will be held at an outdoor, on-campus location (to be reserved through DeaconSpace, pending event approval) at 6pm. Students will sign up to come to the service ahead of time, and there will be a 25 person max on attendance, including Rev. James Franklin.2 students and James Franklin will arrive at the location 15 minutes early to ensure the space is set up with chairs 6 feet apart from each other and to sanitize all surfaces. As students arrive, they will check in through the CORQ app. The service will begin at 6pm and last for one hour. Students will sit in chairs arranged 6 feet apart from each other and will wear masks for the entire service. There will be no singing or communion. A normal service will involve James Franklin or another single student speaking to the group or might involve students speaking amongst themselves, while keeping their 6 feet of distance. If microphones or any other devices are used, they will be sanitized between each use/speaker. At the conclusion of the service, 2 students and James Franklin will remain to sanitize all of the chairs and any other surfaces that people might have come into contact with.

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